Getting Involved in Research

Working in health and social care gives everyone the opportunity to be part of research, whether that is understanding what research is taking place within your organisation or by actively supporting and promoting that research.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have published a vision for the future of clinical research ensuring clinical research is at the heart of patient care, Saving and Improving Lives: - The future of UK clinical research delivery

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) also includes active involvement in research within their assessment criteria for healthcare facilities because evidence shows that people being cared for in research active organisations have better outcomes, not just for those people involved in a research study but for everyone in the organisation.

Research is key to improving care, experience and outcomes for people and you can help by being part of research in lots of different ways - as a participant, a researcher supporting nationally led studies or developing your own research studies and by using research evidence to enhance your everyday practice.

Research can only happen when people like you take part

Chapter 1

Where to start

You can get involved in research at lots of different levels, from feeling confident in using research evidence in your day-to-day practice right up to developing and leading your own research studies nationally and even internationally. Research is for everyone involving lots of different people and is multidisciplinary, including academics, nurses, allied health professionals, scientists and participants. Involvement in research can provide many opportunities and most importantly adds to the evidence base for improving health and care outcomes .

It's never too early to start thinking about how you can be involved in research and you don’t have to know anything about research to get started. The following section provides links to information that you might find helpful in understanding more about health and social care research in the UK and how you can start to get involved.